November 07, 2011 | 0 comments

Busy Week with Some Surf

11.2.11 - Offshore LM
Jacob and I went to LM and there were strong offshore winds. We ran into Amanda in the line up and we agreed that we should have worn our gloves because our hands were freezing! It seems like the winter water temperatures arrived over night. I have been taking Tweetie out more often because the bigger and steeper Fall waves have arrived.

11.6.11 - Sun, Friends and JT
Cynthia, Jacob and I met up at the JT. Cynthia and I realized that we haven't surfed together since mid September! I was happy to get back in the water with her. Nikki joined us later in the session.

I took Tweetie out and Jacob took out our friend Denise's 7'3 board out. I was really surprised that he wanted to take it out and not his beloved longboard! One of the great things about surfing in California is that you can try a bunch of different boards because the swell is bigger and steeper. I have tried boards from 6'4 to 9'8 this past year. I am finding that I enjoy boards in the 7' range for winter swell and 8'6 + for small summer swell. We are lucky to have friends with all different size boards so we don't have to buy boards but can borrow them.

Half way through the session, Jacob and I switched boards. I was skeptical that I would be able to catch waves on the 7'3, but I was able to drop in really easily on the board. I wasn't as stable standing on the board, but the drop ins were great. I am hoping to borrow the board a little longer and learn how to turn better on the board. 

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,



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