February 12, 2010 | 0 comments

Winter Session 2.12.10 - Nahant, MA

When I woke up today, I checked the surf and it looked so nice. I was debating on doing yoga, running or going surfing. Surfing won! Surfing is so much better than running on a treadmill…that’s for sure! I like yoga for many reasons, but surfing trumps yoga.

Jacob wasn’t able to go with me today, but that wasn’t going to stop me from getting some sweet swell. It was 35 degrees, sunny and the water was 39 degrees. For about 45 minutes, I was the only one out in the line up and then two guys came out. It was chest/shoulder high, smooth drop ins and clean longboard lines. It was great being out in the ocean by myself. It was so serene and I could pick and choose any wave that I wanted. I didn’t have to watch out for other surfers and it was so quiet. I think I saw about 3 people on the beach with their dogs.

Here are some pictures from my 2 hour session:

I am so glad I hit the swell, but now time for a meeting and getting shirts into more surf shops!

Have a great weekend!

Spread the Swell,


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